한글 맞춤법 제10항 두음법칙에 대해 알아보겠습니다.
han-geul mat-chum-beop je-10-hang du-eum-beop-chik-e dae-hae a-ra-bo-get-seum-ni-da.
(Han-geul orthography) (in paragraph 10) (Law of Initial Sound of a Syllable)
< Han-geul orthography >
* Chapter 1:총칙(General Rule)
* Chapter 2:자모(Consonant and Vowel)
* Chapter 3:소리에 관한 것(About Sounds)
* Section 1, Chapter 3:된소리 (doen-so-ri)
* Section 2, Chapter 3:구개음화(Gu-gae-eum-hwa)
* Section 3, Chapter 3:ㄷ 받침소리(Consonant 'ㄷ' coming at the lower part of a syllable)
* Section 4, Chapter 3: 모음(Vowel) 제8항
모음(Vowel) 제9항
* Section 5, Chapter 3:두음법칙(Law of Initial Sound of a Syllable) 제10항

1. the sound of SinoKorean characters '녀, 뇨, 뉴, 니'
2. '녀, 뇨, 뉴, 니''s 'ㄴ' -----> spot : Beginning of a word
3. 'ㄴ'------------> ø : 'o (zero)'
about ø : 'o (zero)'
< example >
궁금한 사항이 있다면 언제든 연락 바랍니다.
gung-geum-han sa-hang-i it-da-myeon eon-je-deun nyeol-lak ba-ram-ni-da.
(For further information) (anytime) (contact me)
많은 도움이 되길 바랍니다.
ma-neun do-um-i doe-gil ba-ram-ni-da.
I hope this information helps you.
Thank you.
Sincerely yours,
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